Go Red !

This was my afternoon snack 🌺🌷yesterday, felt drawn to some red foods, 🍎🍅🍓🍒🍉🌶
Most of the red fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidant such as lycopene, a potent anticarcinogenic.
Men should consider adding foods rich in lycopene to their diet to reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer
Lycopene’s antioxidant capabilities can also protect the body from the damage induced by pesticides ! it has also have been found to repair damage in the blood-spinal cord barrier in cases of spinal cord injury, protects eyesight and prevents macular degeneration ..just to name a few

Best sources of lycopene:

Tomatoes,🍅 Watermelon,🍉 Guava, Pink🍊 grapefruit,asparagus🌵

Anthocyanins are also antioxidants that are found in red foods. They are very beneficial to the heart and the kidneys. Load up on anthocyanin-rich foods if you want to protect against diabetes-related circulatory disorders.
Best sources of anthocyanins:🍒🍇
Berries, red onions, kidney beans, pomegranates, grapes (including wine), tomatoes, acai, bilberry, chokeberry, elderberry, and tart cherries.

In herbal medicine, anthocyanin-rich substances have long been used to treat a number of conditions (including high blood pressure, colds, and urinary tract infections). anthocyanins may also help fend off major health problems, including heart disease and cancer.

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